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Escritores anónimos para nosotros mismos, para los que nunca van a saber si lo son, pero escriben ya que las letras son "obreras contra la angustia, amigas de nuestra prisión y el consuelo en los bosques de la desesperación..."(Letras)

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domingo, 29 de julio de 2012


If I were Sarah Connor I will shoot all dumbers.
If I were Lady Hawke I will fly away from this whore’s world.
If I were a goddess I will order some stupid to build an ark and to fill it with the worst of the mankind and then I will sink it with a thunder and lightnings, and I will have no regrets, after.
If I were Dorothy from Oz I will disappear over the rainbow wishing to find an unknown and magic world.
A different one, perhaps a better one.
The one from Alice’s with the fool and the rabbit which I will call my Worderfooland.
Anywhere will be better than this empty farm-morgue where the pig-non dead Crazy Hat dictators are squeezing us.
2012, cfolcat 

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